Roll Of Honour

Bundaberg Lions Roll Of Honour

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Roll of Honour

Bundaberg Lion Awards

Presented at 2023/2024 Changeover


Lion Jim Ferguson

Jim Join the Gatton Lions Club as a Charter Member in 1968. He transferred to Bundaberg in 1974. He has held positions of President, Secretary x 2 , Lion Tamer x 2yrs, Membership Chair x 2yrs, and Historian x 4 yrs. He has attended the National Convention in Hobart in 2019, Darwin in 2024 and the Gatton Lions 50th anniversary. The donation of the new plaque at the Tom Quinn Centre was very much appreciated. He highly cherishes his 56 years Lions membership.


Gordon Taylor

James D Richardson

James D Richardson was one of the most beloved and respected members of Lions in the formative years of the Association in Australia.  He was a District Governor and the first Australian to serve as a Director on the International Board of Directors.  The James D Richardson Award was made to honour him for his contribution to Lions Australia.

The James D Richardson is awarded to Gordon Taylor in recognition of his Meals on Wheels participant, Sailability and ongoing support of Lions projects..  Congratulations on your JDR.


Grant MacDonald

Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (Silver)

Grant has been in Lions for 43 years, commencing in Inglewood Vic in 1980. He transferred to Bundaberg in 1994, and has served as President x 3yrs and in many different board positions. He has been the Catering Chair for many years and knows just the right amounts without any wastage. The Hearing Dog 3 month commitment to test the dog was a success for the recipient to obtain her dog. Thank you Grant for your long commitment to your community.


Jeff McColl

Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (Silver)

Jeff has been a Lion for 26years serving in roles as President x 3yrs, Treasurer x 6, Tail twister x 2years and PR and historian.  He was the Melbourne Cup Sweep Chair for many years which is a major fundraiser for the Club.  He has been President of MOW and loves his cricket and family.  He is also a JP.  Thank you Jeff for your long commitment to your community.


Alan Williams

Melvin Jones Fellow

This member has 41 years as a Lion. In 1983 he  joined Apex in Miles and spent 8 years there.  In 1991 he was a charter member of the Cunamulla Lions club and after 4 yrs, he transferred to Bundaberg Lions Club where he has been a President x 3yrs, Secretary x 19 yrs, which is a massive commitment.  He has many roles, BBQ trailer Chair, PR Chair ( he has submitted many items with Bundaberg Today, for the Club and Zone level), Hearing Dog training, Book Week co-ordinator for 16 schools,  Fund raising, Marketing and now Youth Insearch weekends.

He is now the District Webmaster.

Other community service was Army Reserve for 5 years, Scout leader and Justice of the Peace for 37 years now C of D.

This is an outstanding effort of serving his community.

Congratulations on your Melvin Jones Fellow.




Presented at 2022/2023 Changeover

Mike Verdel 


This award recognizes Mike Verdel’s outstanding commitment and service in Lions.

  The Bundaberg Lions Club recognizes your many years of service that has enabled the Bundaberg Lions Club to raise funds for medical research. We thank-you for 3 years as President, 7 years on the board and 11 years of service on fund raising as the Christmas Cake or Lion Mint Chairman. Lions have boosted or started medical research which has saved or improved many lives. Without the dedication of members like you this would not have happened.


Terry Cunningham

James D Richardson Honour Award

Recognizes the outstanding commitment and service in support of fund raising for medical research.
This award was donated to be presented to Terry Cunningham by a donor that wishes to remain anonymous.  Terry as a member of Bundaberg Lions Club has helped Lions fund-raise for medical research for over 22 years and a previous 10 years in the Childers Lions Club. Lions Medical research covers many fields and has saved or improved many lives. Without the dedication of members like Lion Terry Cunningham this would not have happened.


Rino Gastaldon


This award was presented to Rino Gastaldon for his continued support of Lions projects. Rino attends all Lions projects and in particular conducts a Lions Mint run and has commenced a small recycling project. These projects have enabled us to provide funds for medical research and other Lions community projects. Rino suggested that Bundaberg Lions Club join the International Project of creating a Peace Pole with the motto of “May peace prevail on Earth” The Peace Pole was great success and is installed in Buss Park in the centre of Bundaberg.



James D Richardson Honour Awards

Jim Ferguson

0ver 55 years of continuous membership and support of Lions.



Ray Phippard Fellow Awards

Wayne Evans

Wayne received this award for his dedication to Lions for over three decades.  His support has enabled Lions to help Medical Research and many other community projects. One such project which continues today is Meal On Wheels where he has excelled. Wayne was presented Life Membership of Meal On Wheels. Wayne’s achievement has also been noticed by many in the community. A community member donated this award.


LMRF Medallions

Presented for excellence in their portfolio.

Karen Bartley – Youth of the Year.

Wayne Vanderwolf – Christmas Cake Chairman.

Alan Williams – Secretary.


Presented at 2021/2022 Changeover

The Bundaberg Lions Club is having a catch up of awards because of covid and other delays. These awards have been earned over many years. The Bundaberg Club has not been a prolific Award giver as our members are a humble lot and just get on with it. Any award from the Bundaberg Lions Club is sure to be well earned. We are slowly catching up with awards but still have a few to go.

James D Richardson Honour Awards

  1. Neil Dwyer
    as a long standing trusted Lions member for over two decades.
    Stand out projects were Neil taking the lead to get our power installed to our new Lions shed for three Lions Clubs and helping the Riding for Disabled with the power to their shed. Neil has been on the Lions Board for 18 of the last 20 years and has attended all our major projects.
  2. Sue Lord
    two years as President and another two years as Secretary.
    Stand out project was Sue taking on a co-ordination position with our Zones largest ever project The Lions Centenary Bargara Triathlon. Sue also was a member of District cabinet for 2 years. Sue has good attendance to meetings and attends all projects when not working.
  3. George Martin
    many years of being Club Youth of the Year Chairman.
    George has taken charge of our Clubs Youth of the Year project over 15 years and sometimes the Zone and Regional finals as well. All of which have been very successful and a credit to our Club. George also was on the Lions Centenary Bargara Triathlon committee and has also attended all our Lions major projects.
  4. George Pohlmann
    many years of being Bundaberg Lions Club Treasurer.
    George has been our club treasurer for 15 of the last 17 years. George has always kept our Club in a good financial position. This has enabled us to always fund our projects and provide donations to those we support. George has attended all our major projects. George instigated our major club project of Melbourne Cup sweep which still remains a major fund raiser for the club.
  5. Shendal Dervish (Taylor)
    many years of Youth Development Projects – Lions Insearch.
    Shendal has often been our only member on these important projects. These youth projects require a considerable amount of volunteer time as there are also training and other requirements. Shendal has spent many many week-ends volunteering on Youth Insearch.  Shendal has kept our club up to date with the gains in these projects.
  6. Wayne Vanderwolf
    many years as Lions Christmas Cake Chairman & President.
    Wayne has been Christmas Cake Chairman for the last 5 years. Our Christmas cake project has been very successful with increasing sales every year thanks to Wayne who has put in a big effort. Wayne is one of our members who always attends every project. This has enabled us to do many smaller sausage sizzles for community support events.

Ray Phippard Fellow Awards
Jim Anderson
Recognises the outstanding commitment and service in support of, or undertaking of medical research.

This award was donated to be presented to Jim Anderson by a donor that wishes to remain anonymous.  Jim is a Charter and Life member of Bundaberg Lions Club. Jim has helped Lions for over 56 years raising funds for medical research. Medical research in many fields has been boosted or started by Lions Clubs and has saved or improved many lives. Without the dedication of members like Jim Anderson this would not have happened.



Current members award list.


Karen Bartley                      JD Richardson                                Melvin Jones    Win Tyquin    LMRF Medallion

Terry Cunningham             JD Richardson     Ray Phippard

David Dempster                  JD Richardson     Ray Phippard

Wayne Evans                       JD Richardson     Ray Phippard

Jim Ferguson                       JD Richardson     Life Membership

Rino Gastaldon                    JD Richardson, Professor Ian Frazer Humanitarian Award, Melvin Jones

Jeff McColl                            JD Richardson     ALCCF Silver

Grant MacDonald               JD Richardson      ALCCF Silver

Gail McKewen                      JD Richardson x2                               Melvin Jones

George Martin                      JD Richardson     Ray Phippard

George Pohlmann                JD Richardson     Ray Phippard     Ray Phippard Progressive Diamond

Wayne Vanderwolf              JD Richardson                                  Melvin Jones                           LMRF Medallion

Mike Verdel                           JD Richardson      Professor Ian Frazer Humanitarian Award

Alan Williams                       JD Richardson      Ray Phippard    Melvin Jones                           LMRF Medallion

Sue Lord                                JD Richardson

Neil Dwyer                             JD Richardson

Shendal Dervish (Taylor)   JD Richardson

Gordon Taylor                      JD Richardson